Other Stuff

Monday 16 July 2012

Dragon cave & Chicken Smoothie!

Hey guys!

I randomly posted this but This is what I have!

Dragon cave

BreatingNature - Adopt one today!
8Electric9 - PnUvR
GoldenSleak - EK6sV
And the unknown new egg... - SSU1X

Chicken Smoothie

Rainbow - 
Smoothie - Pet 
SugarPlum - Pet
ChocolateBrownie - Pet
TearDrop - Pet
No Name :( - 


Minecraft - Snapshot 27

Coming with you, an update- snapshot 27!

  • Bug fixes!
  • Optimizations!
  • Please check your piston contraptions. Most we’ve tested still work fine, but some require changes to repeater delays and similar. Overall, pistons should have fewer bugs, but will appear to update slightly slower.

Good bits!

Several major and minor bugs have been fixed.
Trading with villagers has become, how can I put it, a lot easier?
They have added books, which you can write stories or have a diary/journal whatever you like to call them.
Added a tripwire.
Added more slabs and stair blocks.
Cocoa plants!!!

Bad bits!

Lots of needed fixes will take a while, because that's why 1.3 is coming out slowly. A Major fix will be dealt with and completed until 1.4, so there will be several bugs still.
To summarize it all up, there are lots of bad bugs lurking about so keep hold onto your blocks!
No seriously I love saying that.
Lol, and I'm here will always (Nearly) Double daily posts everyday.

Minecraft - Server of the week! #1

Server of the week!

Yes, I'm going to have servers of the week.
Today, I randomly picked one out!
But these two are different-
One server is always full, and one server is always quiet.
I'm choosing the famous one, because the other one has no logo.
Give it up for CraftedMovie!
When I joined I had to apply!
So here is the IP, If you can try.
IP: server.craftedmovie.com
Hold onto your blocks as we go from Ground servers to Space servers!